Active and healthy lifestyles can save you from a Stroke

Caring For The Caregivers
Neuro and Spine Surgery

A Stroke is a Neurological emergency wherein the Brain is damaged due to the disruption of blood flow. Every minute of an untreated Stroke can cause the death of 1.9 million Neurons.

The occurrence of a Stroke is highly unpredictable and spontaneous. However, Strokes are a treatable and preventable condition if the right medical attention is provided as soon as possible. To treat or prevent Strokes completely, it is important to understand the various factors that can induce a Stroke. The risk factors of a Stroke are High Blood Pressure, smoking, Diabetes, high levels of sugar in the blood, Obesity and high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Heart problems such as Atrial Fibrillation and Vascular problems like Carotid Artery Disease and Peripheral Artery can also increase the risk of experiencing a Stroke. High stress levels and improper sleep habits can also contribute to increasing the risk of having a Stroke.

Following the regimented Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation program post-treatment of a Stroke can drop the chances of a recurrence by 80%. Physical activity helps regulate a person’s weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar and improves the status of their Cardiac System it is also important to incorporate other lifestyle changes such as cessation of smoking to control Blood Pressure and decrease other risk factors. BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital has a walking group for Stroke survivors to help Stroke patients minimize the risks of a recurrent Stroke and to help them improve their health. Stroke patients are recommended consultation with a Dietician so that they may get a customised nutrition plan that can help control their weight and regulate the health complications associated with it.

Some risk factors are not manageable for example ailments like Lupus, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Hypercholesterolemia, Arrhythmia, Nephrotic Syndrome, and some Autoimmune Diseases can increase the risk of Stroke occurrence. Ageing and tendencies due to family history are also unavoidable factors that increase the risk of having a Stroke. By following the Physiotherapy prescribed by the doctor and incorporating the required lifestyle changes, patients suffering from these ailments can minimize the risk of suffering from further consequences arising from having a Stroke.



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