Parents Can Take A Break From Worrying

Parents Can Take A Break From Worrying

The Coronavirus outbreak that began in China has now evolved into a global pandemic. Experts around the world are trying their best to find a cure for the disease, but there hasn’t been any luck yet.

The number of people affected is in the thousands now, the death tolls are scary, and it has all created a panic among the general public, especially parents of young children. However, on the brighter side, there are studies that suggest children are not in the high-risk zone of the Coronavirus. They may be vulnerable to it, but the disease-related fatality that appears may be far less severe in children as compared to older adults. The exact reason for it is yet to be justified, but you can still relax a little as of now.

Having said that, children with underlying health conditions, those with weak immunity, or infants with an immature Immune System are at a higher risk of developing complications of COVID-19.

How To Protect Children

Encourage your children to follow the guidelines given by the government. Though the children are at low risk, it is wise to keep them further away from all the potential threats.

  • Make them wash their hands frequently.
  • Tell them to carry a handkerchief or tissue and use it to cover their face every time they cough or sneeze.
  • Keep them away from sick people. Stay away from them if you are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects like tables, switches, doorknobs and handles, remote controls, windowpanes, toys etc.
  • Restrict them from visiting friends and neighbors frequently. Keep them home as much as possible.
  • If your child has an underlying condition, make sure you need to be extremely cautious. Do not neglect even the slightest symptoms. Stay in touch with the doctors and discuss any form of discomfort your child is facing with the doctor, preferably through teleconsultation.
  • Make sure you have stacked some extra medicines as backup.

The news might have created confusion and panic in your child, so it is important that you listen to them and clear their doubts. Explain to them what is happening and why it is important to stay home and practice the above-mentioned measures. Be honest with them and reassure them that you’ll do everything in your power to keep your family safe.

To lighten their stress, have some fun activities at home. Play with them, do simple exercises to fun music, watch their favorite movies and shows with them, involve them in household chores, and teach them new things. Ask them what they’d like to do and do it. Try to make things positive around, it’ll not only help your kids but will also help you deal with this pandemic stress.


Dr Bhaskar

Consultant Pediatrician, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author. They do not reflect the opinions or views of the organization.


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