Dr Aparna Patankar is Associate Consultant with clinical and academic experience in the field of radiology. Dr Patankar is specialized in ultrasound and cross sectional imaging, including CT scan and MRI. She has a rich experience in the field of hepatobiliary imaging, Transplant imaging, GI imaging and neuroradiology. She has strong inclination for academics along with clinical specialty practice.
Dr Aparna Patankar
Consultant Radiology
Interventional Radiology
6 years
- MBBS from Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair hospital, Mumbai.
- D.N.B. (Radiology) from Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, under National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.
Publications and Presentations
- Speaker at RadAspire Web series, Topic- Case-based approach to LI-RADS, Feb 2021.
- Kulkarni S, Kulkarni MM, Patankar A, Watve A. Role of Double Inversion Recovery Sequence in Neuro-imaging on 3 Tesla MRI. Neurol India. 2021 Mar-Apr.
- Speaker at VMNCON in January 2020
- Speaker at Surgical Radiology Workshop, CEMAST, Mumbai, February 2020
- Speaker at 18th annual conference of the Diabetic Foot Society of India. Topic-MRI/CT/NUCLEAR SCAN-What/ when/ where -Interpreting the diabetic foot, December 2020.
- Oral presentation at the Asian Oceanic Congress of Radiology 2018, Mumbai.Topic- Role of double inversion recovery (DIR) sequence in multiple sclerosis.January 2018
- Poster publication in the European congress of Radiology 2017
Topic- Role of double inversion recovery (DIR) sequence in multiple sclerosis. - Oral presentation at European Congress of Radiology(ECR), Vienna,Austria 2017 on Role of TOF MRI in detecting venous abnormalities
- Case Report- “Brunneroma – a rare cause of duodeno-duodenal intussusception in the Euroasian Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology, July 2016.